Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Study notes for Splunk Administration Part I.

  • Example deployement:
    • 1 searchhead server,  16 core CPU, 16GB memory;
    • 8 index servers,  8 core CPU, 24GB memory each;
    • 1 deployment server:  8 core CPU, 32GB memory;
    • 2 syslog servers:  2 core CPU, 12GB memory each;
    • 1 job server:  8 core CPU, 16GB memory;
  • File system layout example:
    • /opt/splunk   10GB local filesystem, for splunk binaries;
    • /usr/local/splunk  5TB  for splunk data (hot/cold/warm), not shared;
    • /usr/local/splunk/frozen  5TB NFS volume for archived (frozen) data, shared;
  • Example Splunk package names:
    • splunk
    • splunkapp-pdf
    • splunk-unix-forwarder
    • splunkapp-unix-splunk
    • splunkforwarder
  • Splunk ports needed:
    • 443:  splunk indexers web;
    • 8089: 
      • splunk search head - splunk indexer;  
      • Splunk deployment server; 
      • Splunk License server
    • 9997: Splunk forwarder - splunk indexer
  • Example Config/Settings:
    • SPLUNK_DB=/splunk/splunkserver/    On Indexer servers;
    • SPLUNK_HOME=/opt/splunk
    • SPLUNK_SERVER_NAME=<splunk-server>
    • SPLUNK_WEB_NAME=<splunk-web>
  • Splunk search head server config:  /opt/splunk/etc/system/local/distsearch.conf
    • [DistributedSearch]  servers=https://<IP_INDEXER1>:8089,https://<IP_INDEXER2>:8089,......
  • Splunk agent install examples:
    • Create splunk user and group, a home directory need be created by splunk user;
    • Create directory /opt/splunkforwarder with 0755 permission;
    • /etc/init.d/splunk  should be included in the RPM and get installed;
    • rpm -ivh splunkforwarder-......;
    • /opt/splunkforwarder/splunk start --accept-license   (accept license )
    • Create two folders and set owner to splunk user:
      • /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/<my_deployment_client>
      • /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/<my_deployment_client>/local
    • create empty deploymentclient.conf with proper splunk user permission
    • Modify above file with following contents:
      • Deployment Server
      • [target-broker:deploymentServer]
      • targetUri = <splunkdeployserver>:8089
      • phoneHomeIntervalInSecs = 600
    • Create app.conf unser the above .../local folder with followign contents:
      • [install]
      • state = enabled
    • Configure inputs.conf file with following content in it:  /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/system/local/inputs.conf
      • [default]
      • _meta=servername:XXX
  • Splunk configruation directories:  default, local, app,  each has different scope;
    • default directory:  $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/default,  has pre-configured versions  of the configuration files;  Should never change manually, they will be overwritten during upgrades;
    • local directory:  $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local,  won't be overwritten during upgrades; Most changes are made here, they are site wide, shared by all apps;
    • app directory:  $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps
      • such as time settings:  $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/search/local/
    • users directory:  $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/users:  specific configurations for users;
    • reference documents:  $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/README:
      • .spec:  such as inputs.conf.spec,  specifies syntax, list of available attributes and variables;
      • .example:  such as inputs.conf.example:  has examples to reference;

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