Monday, March 12, 2012

Create an async HUR pair specifying CTGID

We use "paircreate" to create HUR pair between HDS arrays. Due to the distance limitations we only create Asynchronous (async) pairs.

For example, after setup the HUR environment prerequisites (such as create journal volumes in both arrays, install RM software on local and remote CCI hosts, create FC/FCIP paths between arrays etc.) and define the proper entries in /etc/horcm.conf at both local and remote CCI hosts:

From local CCI host:

#paircreate -g TestHur -vl -f async 0 -jp 0 -js 0

Above command will create the async HUR pair TestHur. The first 0 is the CTGID, the second 0 is the Journal ID for PVOL (local) and the third 0 is the Journal ID for SVOL.

The exact syntax of `paircreate` command can be found in "CCI Command Reference Guide".

You may use "paircreate -h" to try to get some hints:

bash-3.00# paircreate -h
Model : RAID-Manager/Solaris
Ver&Rev: 01-24-03/13
Usage : paircreate [options] for HORC
-h Help/Usage
-I[#] Set to HORCMINST#
-IH[#] or -ITC[#] Set to HORC mode [and HORCMINST#]
-IM[#] or -ISI[#] Set to MRCF mode [and HORCMINST#]
-z Set to the interactive mode
-zx Set to the interactive mode and HORCM monitoring
-q Quit(Return to main())
-g[s] Specify the group_name
-d[s] Specify the pair_volume_name
-d[g][s] [mun#] Specify the raw_device without '-g' option
-d[g][s] [mun#] Specify the LDEV# in the RAID without '-g' option
-nomsg Not display message of paircreate
-pvol or -vl Specify making P-VOL to the local instance
-svol or -vr Specify making S-VOL to the local instance
-pvol Specify making P-VOL to the ldev group
-svol Specify making S-VOL to the ldev group
-f[g] [CTGID] Specify the fence_level(never/status/data/async)
-jp -js Specify the journal group ID for UR with '-f async'
-c Specify the track size for copy
-cto [c-time] [r-time] Specify the timer for controlling CT group
-nocopy Set to the No_copy_mode
-nocsus Set to the No_copy_suspend for UR
-m Specify the create mode<'cyl or trk'> for S-VOL

Above hint may seem enough if you are familiar with HUR, however more detailed information is in the CCI guide. For example, I found that if I ignore the CTGID (the first 0 in my example, it appears it should be automatically assigned, however there is gotchas...) the paircreate may fail. The reason is explained in CCI guide:

"A CTGID (CT Group ID) is assigned automatically if you do not specify
the “CTGID” option in this command. If “CTGID” is not specified and the maximum number of CT groups already exists, an EX_ENOCTG error is returned. Therefore, the “CTGID” option can forcibly assign a volume group to an existing CTGID (e.g., 0-127 on 9900V)."

As the old saying: "The devil is in the details".....

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